Thursday, February 12, 2009

Chocolate Cake and Frosting (two types)

Homemade Chocolate Cake
4 T. cocoa powder
2 c. sugar
3 c. flour
¼ t. salt
2 t. baking powder 2 t. baking soda
1 ½ T vanilla
2 eggs
½ c. vegetable oil
½ c hot water
Combine all ingredients mix for 2 minutes.
Bake 350 for 25 minutes
Mock whipped Cream Frosting
5 T. flour
1 c. milk
1 c. granulated sugar (yes, I really wrote granulated)
1 pinch salt
1 c. margarine or butter
1 t. vanilla
Cook milk and flour in heavy saucepan and whip until smooth. Cook until thick using a whisk constantly. Remove from heat and allow to cool for exactly 10 minutes.
While this mixture is cooling, in mixer beat the sugar, salt, vanilla, and 1 cup butter (or margarine.) Beat for 10 minutes on high. When the milk mixture has cooled for 10 minutes, add to sugar mixture. There is enough heat remaining in the milk mixture to dissolve the sugar. Beat until fluffy being sure to use a spatula to thoroughly scrap bowl.
For chocolate frosting, simply add ¼ c. cocoa powder.
Genache Frosting
1 ½ c. whipping cream
1 c. chocolate chips (I prefer semi-sweet over milk)
Bring cream to a boil and put in chocolate stir until completely melted. Let cool. When thickened pour over cake.
If you want to have some filling. Take half of the cream mixture COMPLETELY COOLED and put into mixer and mix until fluffy.

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